Saturday, September 21, 2013

When I say WOLF, you say PACK!!!

The Nevada Wolf Pack played UCLA at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena over Labor Day weekend, and we were so, so excited to personally cheer on our team!

It's been awhile...

Considering Audrey would point to the field yelling "baseball"- I think it's safe to say that we didn't teach her much about the sport that day. But, what do I really know about football anyway? 

We lost the game a lot.

But, it definitely wasn't a total loss. It was a really fun (albeit really hot) day, and I do believe if Audrey learned anything- she for sure knows her way around a tailgate now. 


UCLA fans took tailgating very SERIOUSLY. It was a new experience for me to be at a game, and NOT have the hometown advantage. 

I was impressed with their set-ups, outfits, decorations and spirit overall, and of course was not-at-all afraid to flaunt my Pack Pride as often as possible.

Here I am next to the enemy...
I can't tell if Audrey was inspired to join me here or actually embarrassed, begging for me to stop.


This was our first (and sad) tailgate set-up, before we met up with the real pros (ie- Jill, her family and friends). We clearly didn't plan properly.

But, Jill saved us and we had a great time!

Audrey may not have learned much about football that day, but she knows to coordinate her nails with her team's colors, and get TEMPORARILY tatted up for the big game as well. 

Not positive where she picked this one up, but I also think she learned about the importance of guarding your cooler.

She makes me so proud. 
Go Pack! 

love, kerry

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