Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Princess Turns 3.

I took this photo on the night before Audrey turned ONE...

Here she is the night before she turned TWO...

And here she is, just a few weeks ago, on the night before she turned THREE...

Isn't she just precious?

Well, equally precious was finding her first thing in the morning, on her real birthday. 


Well, because apparently Cinderella came to our house in the middle of the night, and left her a princess surprise...

And, naturally, this is how it went down:

Despite some (ok, seriously Audrey???) confusion,
the rest of the day was PURE MAGIC... 


I can't wait to tell you more...

love, kerry

1 comment:

Rachel Haack said...

Happy birthday Audrey! You are beautiful, just like your mama!!!