Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Audrey Turns 3: The Party

Audrey didn't just have a birthday party, she had a birthday weekend.
Are you really that surprised? 

Nevertheless, it started with a PARTY!!!!!

 A bowling birthday party.

And, there were games, and cake, and neon necklaces, and balloons, and slap bracelets and it was so, so much fun.

I think the kiddos enjoyed it too.

Can you believe my baby is three years old?

 I can't.

Audrey's party was a perfect start to an absolutely perfect birthday weekend...
I'll have more to share (coming soon, fingers crossed).

Until then, watch this:


Thanks again to everyone who came out, sent birthday wishes, and made the day so special for Audrey... We love and appreciate you so much!

love, kerry

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