Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On My Love List: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

At first, it wasn't just going to be about the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, a Disney Junior cartoon that we watch in the morning with breakfast. 

It was actually going to be about these children's board-book sets in general:

Audrey LOVES, LOVES, LOVES this toy. 

The set includes 12 mini- books that are the perfect size and length to keep Audrey interested. 
But, the box itself is so much of the fun. Audrey carries it around like her little purse, sits on her pink chair or the floor and pulls all the books out, plays, reads, then arranges them back in the box, and continues to carry it throughout the house, repeat, repeat, repeat. 

You can see HERE that Barnes & Nobel has a variety of set themes, and I think we've got almost all of them- Disney Classics, Disney Bedtime Stories, Disney Princesses, and the latest addition- 
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Her love of these book sets goes back to about her 10th month when her good friend little-Beckett shared his toy one day at the office.

It was immediatley obvious that we were introduced to the latest must-have children's toy. 
And, she's been obsessed every since. 

But, more recently I've noticed- Audrey REALLY loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 
She waves at Donald during the Show's intro. 
She dances the "Hot Dog" dance every time. 
She knows the characters, and the songs. 
She's a BIG fan.

Naturally, this was Audrey's pick at Barnes & Nobel over the weekend...

She ran right up to the book, all by herself, and presented it to me.
"Miiiiiiinnne", she said. 

Who could say no? 
Not me.

love, kerry

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