Saturday, March 10, 2012

Getting back to normal, hopefully

The last few days have been low-key, at home, in bed, uneventful. 
Our sick baby demanded that we slow things down. 

But, when Audrey cheerfully woke up this morning, chattering from her crib, wanting to play- I knew things were on the up-and-up.

There's still a sad, lingering, wet cough. But, she's acting more normal. 
She's tough, and I'm relieved. It could have been worse... We're lucky for such a healthy, strong baby.

Anyway, it felt right, like she was ready to get back to normal around here, and spend our family-Satruday like we always do- totally crazy, chaotic, busy, no-time-to-rest, just fun

Our first "main event" was our first-ever visit to story time at the library for Dinosaur Day. 

Technically, Audrey and I went yesterday for the first time, but today was the first time with all 3 of us.
It was more complete with Dada.

WOW!!! Story time lady was FANTASTIC!!! So fun, so interactive and engaging. Audrey's a shy girl, but she was loving it! And, we were loving her!! How is this free????

I'm looking forward to story time, every Saturday morning that we can, moving forward. 
It. was. awesome. 

Story time was followed by a much needed run on the beach. 
Long overdue. 
My new goal: run 3 miles/day. We'll see.

LOVE this picture.

You can always expect SOMETHING to be happening near the Pier. 

Today was a Kite Club Tournament. 

We didn't totally get what was going on, but THINK teams were judged based on their tricks (types and number during a specific amount of time). 

 I suppose we could have asked. 
But, it wouldn't have mattered. 

We knew which team had our vote.

After lunch and nap time, we headed to the park next door and met a nice girl celebrating her 5th birthday. She {and her Mom} invited us to play in her rented jump house, and Audrey was in to it. 

Jumping runs in the family.

We've got BIG plans for another great day tomorrow. 
Looking forward to sharing with you...

love, kerry

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