Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Dear Mom,

Happy Birthday!!!!

Yay! Today's all about YOU!!! I hope you have a PERFECT day! Do something fun. Do something relaxing. Do something new. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!

I wish we could be there with you, of course, but just know that we'll be thinking of you all day and celebrating in your honor!

You are the BEST Mom anyone could ever ask for, and I appreciate you more and more now that I'm a Mom too... I hope that I can be half as good of a Mom to Audrey, as you have been and still are to me.

AND- you are an amazing Grandma!! Grandparents are special, and I'm so happy that Audrey has you in her life!

We miss you so much, and again- HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!

We'll Skype today, and see you next week, and then a few weeks after that, and a few weeks after that, and so on and so on...{It's almost like we never left, right?}

Happy Birthday!!!

love, kerry, john and audrey

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