Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beach Cruisers!!!

We bought beach cruisers this weekend!!! We found super old, used, rusted, beater beach cruisers on Craigslist for cheap, and we just couldn't pass them up! It was actually harder to track down the "safe-t-seat" and infant helmet for Audrey, but we did it, and today we took our first family bike ride to Newport Beach! It was a beautiful day, and great trip (took about an hour). We walked the streets, but felt comfortable riding with Audrey along the beach path. There were TONS of other families/kids/babies riding along with us. It was so much fun, and Audrey LOVED it! Those bikes are going to get LOTS of use...We're really loving the fit culture down here.

Picture One: Trying on the infant helmet... Feels safe!
Picture Two: Alright, here we go! {Just walked down Huntington Street from our house, and we're about to join the beach path. Audrey looks ready.}
Picture Three: Mommy wants to try riding with the baby!!!
Picture Four: Here's where we turned around- Newport Beach. Beautiful!

love, kerry

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