Friday, August 23, 2013

So here's what's up....

My "Happy Birthday" blog posts... They've gotta stop. 

While I'm thinking of you on your birthday, and trust me- I am... Birthdays are VERY important to me... There's just not enough time...You have to try and understand, the happy birthday blogs are now, officially and sadly, retired.

Why, you (may or may not) ask?

Well... I missed my FIRST. ONE. EVER.

The shame.

And, On this amazing, cutie nonetheless....

It was (and still is) devastating.

Hopefully, he'll forgive me...
Especially considering I threw him an OC-style, SURPRISE birthday party!!!


I'm sorry I forgot to blog (which you couldn't read anyway), but still... YOU were my first miss, and I can't believe that, and I'm so, so sorry
I'm glad we got to spend some time with you, and celebrate the big FIVE together as a family.


Interesting that I choose TODAY, of all days, to announce my "happy birthday" love, kerry blog post retirement. 

As if it was so important anyway....

But, there's another little boy in my life who I need to say happy birthday too...

And so since I'm here already....

Happy, happy birthday to my baby brother, Kyle!!!

You're not so baby anymore... 
You're celebrating, TODAY, the big 1-9.


I hope you're having an amazing birthday, getting crazy, celebrating! 

You're entering the college years, and let me tell you...

You have a lot to look forward to. 

Love you so much, and can't wait to see you next. Happy birthday! 



And, I'm out. 
Happy birthday to all, and to all a good night. 

love, kerry

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