Saturday, December 22, 2012


It makes me smile that we got our photos taken to celebrate our 1-Year dating anniversary...

It's proof that you knew EXACTLY what you were getting into...

Way back when, at 20 years-old, if someone would have asked me what I wanted in a husband... Hmmmmm... I think my first thought would have been that he'd be a lot of fun, and of course enjoy traveling... lots.

Our first "big" vacation: NYC, 2005.
Twin Falls
Bilbao, Spain
Pau, France

Madrid, Spain

Edinburgh, Scotland
Barcelona, Spain
Stockholm, Sweden

Milan, Italy
Budapest, Hungary
St. Gallen, Switzerland
Our honeymoon in Napa.
Shasta for your college graduation.
Our babymoon in Carmel.
And, Mexico most recently.

Remember this trip to Seattle? This is the day our doctor called to tell us that I was NOT pregnant... Even after several months of {lots of fun} trying...

He was wrong. I was pregnant. 


When I was 20, I knew I needed to marry an intelligent, motivated man. 


Who would also be an incredible father one day...


John, thank you so much for being just perfect for me. You're the very best husband, father, friend, partner... man. 

I'm so lucky you're all mine, forever. 

Happy 5-Year Anniversary!!!

i love you,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

all this mushy gushy love stuff is fabulous. you look as love struck now as you were when dating. those red croatia glasses are sweeet. love and lots of years of happiness together.