Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Portraits

We're always coloring, painting, sticker-ing, stamping, marker-ing at home (although, not always on paper or mommy-approved materials), and it makes me really happy to know that it's still a big part of Audrey's day at school.

She brings us home at least two art projects a day! 
Isn't that wonderful?

Although, most of the time (at least at home) there's no direction or instruction. 
It's just- go to town baby girl! Be inspired and create! 

Well, let's be honest. I'm making us sound like better parents than we really are here because it actually comes from a place of- I'm sooooo tired, stressed, overworked, crazy right now baby girl- pretty please sit and color nicely by yourself so that we can just finish this one five items on the list. 

Still, her work is beautiful and I love it. 

But, for the first time ever, I wondered what she'd do differently (if anything) if I gave her a few, simple instructions to follow. 

"Audrey, draw Daddy here...."
Followed by 
and Audrey 
and finally Jesse........

She's amazing. 
And, follows direction well. 

Audrey's First Family Drawing, 22 Months

love, kerry

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