Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On My Love List: The 5-Year Journal

 New Year, New Journal.

It was such funny timing, actually. A few weeks ago, I found this journalling concept here on Pinterest. I immediately knew it was PERFECT for me in the new year. I even found the PERFECT dish to keep my journal notecards in here at Anthropologie. I could have easily copied the idea, and made it my own with a few personal touches. But, let's be honest- it would have been yet ANOTHER project for me to take on, and my free time has been pretty maxed out lately. I kept putting it off, and January 1st just kept creeping up on me.

But, I LOVED the idea. 

Last week, John and I visited Old Towne Orange. It's a quaint, college town (home of Chapman University & very close to the UCI Medical Center) where antique and specialty gift shops, fun bars and cute restaurants line the streets around the "Orange Circle". We enjoyed appetizers, the sunshine, and our casual stroll with Audrey. And, we popped into just ONE shop.

It was calling my name from down the street- Hostess with the Mostess- a shop especially for those who love planning parties.

While inside- TWO crazy things happened.

1. John actually ran into people he knew! What?!?!?! We know people here? Just kidding. ;)
But really, John stopped and talked with a married couple, both 3rd year radiology residents.

2. And, I managed to spot this:

Mom's One Line A Day
A Five-Year Memory Book

It's so simple. So smart. 

Here you have one page for every day in the year. Each page is divided into 5 years, and gives you just enough space to write about two sentences about your day. 

A condensed, comparative record for five years, for recording events most worthy of remembrance. 

Also, a time saver. Add two sentences a day to my hectic schedule? Doable.
If only I was as committed to running as I am to writing...

This will be fun for me. I will enjoy {quickly} reflecting on the day each evening, and I can only imagine how fun it will be to read year-after-year. 

This makes me happy.

love, kerry

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